Ken Author of the Military Investor Blog and avid investing nerd.

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

My original Wordpress-based website imploded. However, this outage has given me some time to re-assess the content I was writing, and I’ve decided to re-write my previous posts to make them easier to understand.

I really want to speak to people who don’t understand investing (yet), but also provide technical details for those who are interested. I hope helping to explain the “nerdy stuff” more simply, or even hide some of it (for those who want to read it)… like this. That way, those who just want to know what to start doing will get that information, but those who are interested in why these principles work can read how.

I’m also migrating this site and its content over to Github Pages, which should be much more reliable. Expect that shiny, edited content will be available by the first of the year.

UPDATE: I’ve migrated nearly all of the content from my old blog, though some content is from an older backup. I will still be heavily editing this content, but at least the old content has been recovered. More to come!

UPDATE #2: The site is back up and running. New content is on its way!

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